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Frequently asked questions

Our pricing is based on the number of seats in your subscription. Each seat represents a reserved spot for a team member to access and use the platform. Billing is fixed to the number of seats, regardless of how often the platform is used.

We charge monthly based on the number of seats in your subscription and payments are made in advance for each billing cycle. A seat represents a reserved spot for a team member to access and use the platform. If you make changes to your subscription—such as adding a new seat—those adjustments will be reflected in the next billing cycle.

If you add a seat in the middle of a billing cycle, you won’t be charged immediately. Instead, the cost for the additional seat will be added to your next billing cycle, including a retroactive charge (proration) for the days the seat was active. This ensures a clear and transparent billing process. This means you’ll pay for the number of seats you reserve, whether or not the team members use the platform during that period.

Confrere subscriptions are monthly with a 30-day cancellation period. If you decide to cancel your subscription, you’ll be charged for the 30-day notice period. You can continue to use the services throughout the cancellation period.

If you're still on our old pricing model, simply reach out to our sales team at They’ll guide you through your options and next steps.